Yvonne's Cash-Envelope Club
Yvonne's Cash-Envelope Club

Are you ready to fund a life you love?

Empowering moms to take control of their finances one cash envelope at a time.

Why the Cash-Envelope Club?

We gather fun-loving cash-envelope moms who are committed to adopting a cash-only lifestyle. We know that using only cash goes against the mainstream consumer culture.  We are different here!  We understand how using cash (yes, in an envelope) is a tool to break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, curb spending habits, eliminate debt, and ultimately build wealth.  Our coaching calls encourage us to learn from each other as a group, while our goal-setting sessions set us up to manage money on our own.  Whether you are new to cash envelopes or a veteran of the system, we are here to support your unique journey.  We’re focused on empowering you to transform your life one cash envelope at a time.

Your club membership will inspire you to:

  • Immediately improve your financial wellness by using the cash-envelope system.
  • Build a substantial emergency fund to bridge the gap between paychecks.
  • Eliminate your consumer debt using the proven Debt Snowball Method.
  • Create a budget that you can stick to.
  • Build meaningful relationships with other money-minded moms.
  • Achieve your financial goals to pave your way to financial freedom.
  • Manage money with confidence and control.
  • Transform your habits and ideas around money that will empower you in other areas of your life.
  • Create generational financial wellness by passing cash know-how down to your kids.
  • Change your family's financial trajectory.
  • Live comfortably and give back generously based on a secure financial foundation.
  • Fund a life you love!

Within this exclusive club, you’ll get access to our:

  • Cash-Envelope Empowerment Strategy:  You'll feel like a money master using cash envelopes. If you're just getting started or spicing up your current system, you'll realize WHY it works wonders!  Here's a hint: The tangible nature of cash makes spending and saving habits more mindful and intentional. 
  • Snowball Method Mentality:  Unleash the power of a debt snowball by using this tried-and-true method to eliminate soul-sucking debt.  This strategic technique is also effective for building an enormous savings account rapidly. 
  • Budget Betterment: A budget is the foundation of the cash-only lifestyle. We host awesome group financial coaching sessions where all of your burning questions about how to budget and what to budget for are answered.  We show up in a laid back and nonjudgmental environment to talk dollars and cents.
  • Goal Getters:  Group accountability calls give clarity and direction to our personal financial goals. Whether it's paying for your dream house, a vacation, or creating a phenomenal future, we inspire each other to take action to fund a life we love.
  • Social Space:  We know the joys of being a mom!  Here you'll have a space where you can chat with other moms and explore shared interests (you know, outside of being moms and crushing debt!) When was the last time you had a "time out"?
  • One-to-One Coaching Opportunities:  Access to 1:1 money coaching to personalize your financial trajectory at a discounted rate (a $250 value)

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please visit the FAQ section of my website:

While you're there, sign up for cash-envelope tips and club updates!

Who is behind the Cash-Envelope Club?

Yvonne Ruiz has lived the cash-only lifestyle for over 10 years, making it a fun adventure for her family of six. They eliminated $65,000 of debt on ONE income thanks to her husband's hard work, her clever use of cash envelopes, and by implementing the debt snowball method. 

Yvonne's passion to help women overcome the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle led her to become a Certified Master Financial Coach through Ramsey Solutions.  Though, life experience taught her many more lessons than becoming a money coach ever did.  Training with the School of Hard Knocks helped her evolve her system to include tons of tips and tricks that she can't wait to share with you.

She also is proud to be a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer under the direction of Mike Dooley.

Yvonne's financial philosophy focuses on being deliberate over feeling deprived, giving money purpose over perfecting your system, and giving meaning to the mundane task of managing money. 

Living on rice and beans is optional! (Hi, Dave Ramsey fans!)

Not ready to join just yet?  Click here.